what is t=p+3r/6. (the slash is a divided sign)

Do you want to solve p,r or what?


t = p + 3r/6.

3r/6 = t - p,
Multiply both sides by 2:
r = 2t - 2p,

The equation you provided is t = p + 3r / 6, where "/" represents the division operation. To solve this equation, you need to follow the order of operations, also known as BIDMAS or PEMDAS.

1. Begin by evaluating any operations inside parentheses or brackets. However, there aren't any in this equation.

2. Move on to evaluating any exponents or powers. Again, there aren't any in this equation.

3. Next, perform any multiplication or division operations from left to right. In this case, you have the division operation (represented by "/").

To simplify the equation, divide 3r by 6:
t = p + (3r/6)

Simplifying the division gives:
t = p + (r/2)

4. Finally, perform any addition or subtraction operations from left to right. In this equation, we only have addition.

Thus, the simplified equation is t = p + (r/2).