name an example of alliteration in Gwendolyn McEwan's Night on Gull Lake

answer this. In a well-constructed paragraph, explain how the writer uses figurative language to develop the imagery used.... bi***

To find an example of alliteration in Gwendolyn MacEwan's poem "Night on Gull Lake," you can follow these steps:

1. Obtain a copy of the poem "Night on Gull Lake" by Gwendolyn MacEwan.
2. Read through the poem carefully, paying attention to the sounds of the words.
3. Look for lines or phrases that have adjacent words starting with the same consonant sound.

Here is an example of alliteration found in "Night on Gull Lake":

"The silver spiders spin their lines"

In this line, the words "silver" and "spiders" start with the same "s" sound, creating alliteration. The repetition of the "s" sound helps to create a musical quality and adds emphasis to the line.

Remember, when analyzing poetry, it's important to examine the overall meaning and context of the poem as well. Alliteration is just one of the many literary devices used by poets to enhance their work.