I urgently need you to check these sentences for me, please.

1) Elizabeth I was unmarried and used this (?) as a political weapon because for the European princes was important to keep on good terms with England.
(better "because she encouraged the hopes of European princes with whom it was important to keep on good terms).
2) She recognized pain as a rival and enemy but at first open war was avoided.
3) She expanded (better fostered) explorations making England a commercial and seafaring power. Sea captains were secretely encouraged by her (Better by Elizabeth I) who took a share of their profit.
4) The captains were engaged in piracy and they attacked Spanish ships that carried precious metals and slaves from America and Africa.
5) In 1588 open war with (better against) Spain started and the Spanish Armada appeard in the English Channel. It was composed of 130 galleons which were heavy and slow. In contrast, the English ships were lower, faster and armed with long-range guns.

1) Elizabeth I used her unmarried status as a political weapon because she encouraged the hopes of European princes with whom it was important to keep on good terms.

2) She recognized pain<~~??? as a rival and enemy, but at first open war was avoided.

3) She fostered explorations making England a commercial and seafaring power. Sea captains were secretly encouraged by Elizabeth I, who took a share of their profit.

4) The sea captains were engaged in piracy, and they attacked Spanish ships that carried precious metals and slaves from America and Africa.

5) In 1588, open war with Spain began, and the Spanish Armada appeared in the English Channel. The armada was composed of 130 galleons, which were heavy and slow. In contrast, the English ships were lower, faster, and armed with long-range guns.

1) Sentence 1 does have some grammatical issues. Here's a better version: "Elizabeth I remained unmarried and used her marital status as a political weapon, as it was important for European princes to maintain good relations with England because of their hopes for a potential marriage alliance."

2) Sentence 2 seems fine, but let me offer a slightly improved version: "She regarded pain as both a rival and an enemy, but initially, open warfare was avoided."

3) Sentence 3 could be rephrased as: "She promoted explorations that turned England into a major commercial and seafaring power. Elizabeth secretly encouraged sea captains and took a share of their profits."

4) Sentence 4 appears to be correct in terms of grammar and meaning: "The captains engaged in piracy by attacking Spanish ships carrying precious metals and slaves from America and Africa."

5) In sentence 5, the word "with" should be replaced with "against" for better clarity: "In 1588, open war against Spain began, and the Spanish Armada appeared in the English Channel. Comprising of 130 galleons, it was a slow and heavy fleet. In contrast, the English ships were lower, faster, and equipped with long-range guns."