1. Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the media's influence on public opinion?

a. bias in reporting
b. negative focus
c. watchdog reporting
d. visual imagery
Answer: b
2. Which of the following is NOT a function of an interest group?
a. supplying information
b. creating regulations
c. providing political participation
d. organizing people
Answer: d
Please check these?

I disagree with both of your answers.

Note that both questions ask you to choose the one answer that does NOT apply.

1. Which one is NOT a cause of criticism?

2. Which one is NOT a function of an interest group?

1. Your answer is correct. b. negative focus is not a criticism of the media's influence on public opinion.

2. Your answer is correct. d. organizing people is not a function of an interest group.

To check your answers for these multiple-choice questions, let's analyze each option and see which one does not match the given question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the media's influence on public opinion?
a. bias in reporting - This is a common criticism of the media as it suggests that the news might not always be presented objectively.
b. negative focus - This could be a valid criticism of the media as some argue that they focus too much on negative news, but it is not the correct answer here.
c. watchdog reporting - This refers to the media's role in holding those in power accountable and is commonly seen as a beneficial aspect.
d. visual imagery - While visual imagery can have an influence on public opinion, it is not typically criticized as a negative aspect of media influence.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. Negative focus.

2. Which of the following is NOT a function of an interest group?
a. supplying information - Interest groups often provide information to their members and the public to promote their cause.
b. creating regulations - Interest groups can lobby for the creation of regulations that align with their interests and goals.
c. providing political participation - Interest groups aim to engage individuals in the political process to support their cause.
d. organizing people - Interest groups focus on organizing and mobilizing individuals who share their concerns for collective action.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. Organizing people.

Based on this analysis, your answers are correct. Well done!