i am looking for thirty questions related to communication that i can ask someone in a interview. Please help me in it. I made some but i need a lot.

I think the too-broad topic is the problem here. It would be easier and make more sense if you divide this topic into parts.

Communication between parent and child

Communication between husband and wife

Communication between boss and employee

Communication between two good friends

Communication between ___________

(or whatever categories you need)

What do you already have?

communication between two friends and one is United States born and other just came three years ago from an other country speaking.

These are not questions. What questions do you already have? (Above, you wrote, "I made some...")

I get these AXIA questions and I am perplexed: Just what is going on there?

When you interview someone, you must have a purpose. That purpose dictates the questions. AFter all, the world is not just Entertainment Tonight.

If you don't have a purpose, ask how is the weather today.

Sure, I can help you generate more questions related to communication for an interview. Here are thirty questions you can consider asking:

1. Describe a situation where you had to communicate complex information to a team. How did you ensure clarity and understanding?
To create more questions, think about different aspects of communication and various scenarios where effective communication plays a crucial role. Some areas you can explore include:

2. Explain a time when you had to resolve a conflict through effective communication.
To create this question, consider scenarios where conflict arises due to miscommunication or misunderstandings, and the interviewee should address those specifics.

3. Share an experience where you had to communicate a sensitive message. What approach did you take to ensure empathy and understanding?
4. Describe a situation where you facilitated effective communication between team members who had different communication styles.
5. Discuss a time when you had to give constructive feedback to a colleague. How did you approach the conversation to ensure a positive outcome?
6. Explain a situation where you had to adapt your communication style to effectively convey information to a diverse audience.
7. Share an experience where you successfully persuaded others to embrace a new idea or change through your communication skills.
8. Describe a time when you encountered barriers to communication and how you overcame them to deliver your message effectively.
9. Discuss a situation where you had to communicate with a difficult or challenging individual. How did you handle the situation?
10. Explain an experience where you had to negotiate a mutually beneficial outcome through effective communication.

11. Describe a time when you had to present complex information in a simplified manner for a non-technical audience.
12. Share an example where you had to communicate bad news to a client or customer. How did you handle their reaction?
13. Explain a situation where you had to handle a miscommunication or misunderstanding among team members. How did you resolve it?
14. Discuss a time when you had to provide clear instructions to ensure successful completion of a project or task.
15. Describe a situation where you effectively communicated the company's vision and values to inspire your team members.
16. Share an experience where you had to use active listening skills to understand and address a colleague's concerns.
17. Explain a time when you had to give a presentation or speech to a large audience. How did you engage and captivate the listeners?
18. Discuss a situation where you utilized non-verbal communication effectively to convey a message or reinforce your words.
19. Describe a time when you had to use written communication to mediate a conflict or disagreement.
20. Share an experience where you had to communicate in a high-pressure or crisis situation. How did you remain calm and composed?

21. Explain a situation where you had to incorporate feedback from others to improve your communication skills or approach.
22. Discuss a time when you had to use your communication skills to build rapport and establish trust with a new team or client.
23. Describe a situation where you had to adapt your communication style to communicate effectively across different cultures.
24. Share an example of when you used storytelling techniques to convey a complex message or concept.
25. Explain a time when you had to give a difficult performance review or evaluation. How did you approach the conversation?
26. Discuss a situation where you utilized technology or digital tools to enhance your communication with remote team members.
27. Describe a time when you had to mediate a conflict between two team members through effective communication.
28. Share an experience where you had to communicate with stakeholders who had different priorities or expectations.
29. Explain a situation where you actively sought feedback on your communication skills and used it to improve.
30. Discuss a time when you had to communicate urgent information to a large group within a limited timeframe. How did you ensure clarity and timeliness?

Remember, these questions are designed to assess the interviewee's communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability in various scenarios. Feel free to modify them or add further context based on your specific interview requirements.