beth scored 75 on her first math test. she scored 20 % higher on her next math test. what did she score on the second test?

To calculate Beth's score on her second math test, we need to find 20% of her first test score and add it to her first score.

First, we find 20% of 75:
20% of 75 = (20/100) * 75 = 0.20 * 75 = 15

Next, we add this amount to her first score:
75 + 15 = 90

Therefore, Beth scored 90 on her second math test.

what is 75*(1+.20) ?

i have no idea what that means?

plz answer me

* means multiply

oh so i will multiply 75 and 1.20


so my answer issss a 90?

Right again!