I found the empirical but i don't know how to get the empirical formula for NH2. can anyone help?

Certainly! To determine the empirical formula for NH2, you need to know the molar mass of each element in the compound. In this case, "N" represents nitrogen and "H" represents hydrogen.

1. Find the atomic mass of each element:
- Nitrogen (N) has an atomic mass of approximately 14.01 grams/mole.
- Hydrogen (H) has an atomic mass of approximately 1.01 grams/mole.

2. Determine the number of each atom in the empirical formula:
- "N" represents one nitrogen atom.
- "H2" represents two hydrogen atoms because of the subscript 2.

3. Calculate the total molar mass:
- Multiply the atomic mass of each element by the number of atoms in the empirical formula.
- Nitrogen: 14.01 grams/mole x 1 nitrogen atom = 14.01 grams/mole
- Hydrogen: 1.01 grams/mole x 2 hydrogen atoms = 2.02 grams/mole
- Add up the molar masses of each element:
- 14.01 grams/mole + 2.02 grams/mole = 16.03 grams/mole

4. Simplify the empirical formula:
- Divide the molar mass of each element by the total molar mass.
- Nitrogen: 14.01 grams/mole ÷ 16.03 grams/mole ≈ 0.872
- Hydrogen: 2.02 grams/mole ÷ 16.03 grams/mole ≈ 0.126
- Round the resulting decimal values to the nearest whole number (or simplest ratio):
- Nitrogen: ~0.872 ≈ 1
- Hydrogen: ~0.126 ≈ 1
- This means that the empirical formula for NH2 is NH2 itself because both the nitrogen and hydrogen atoms have a ratio of 1:1.

So, the empirical formula for NH2 is simply NH2.