allegory of the call of the wild

First of all, the name of the book should be capitalized. We are not mind-readers so we need more than this.


buck represent some characteristic of humanity.

The allegory of "The Call of the Wild" is a literary technique that uses a story to symbolize deeper meanings and truths about human nature, society, or life in general. In the case of "The Call of the Wild" by Jack London, the allegory explores the instinctual and primal aspects of both humans and animals.

To understand the allegory within "The Call of the Wild," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the book: Start by reading the novel, "The Call of the Wild," which was published in 1903. Pay attention to the narrative, characters, and events that occur throughout the story.

2. Analyze the plot: Pay close attention to the main plot points and the journey of the main character, Buck, a domesticated dog. Explore how Buck's transformation from a domesticated pet to a wild, instinct-driven being serves as an allegory for human beings returning to their primal instincts.

3. Identify symbolic elements: Look for symbolic elements within the story that represent deeper ideas and themes. For example, Buck's transition from civilization to the wilderness symbolizes the struggle between civilization and nature, and the exploration of instinctual desires and freedom.

4. Consider historical context: Understand the historical context in which the novel was written. "The Call of the Wild" was published during the height of the industrial era, and it conveys the tension between modern civilization and a more primitive way of living.

5. Reflect on the themes: Contemplate the deeper themes explored in the story, such as the power of nature, the struggle for survival, the loss of innocence, and the conflict between civilization and a wilder, more natural existence. Connect these themes to broader ideas about human behavior and the human condition.

By following these steps, you can gain a better understanding of the allegory in "The Call of the Wild" and appreciate the deeper meanings and insights conveyed within the story.