Which of the following is the final step in problem solving?

A. Implement the solution.
B. Rule out possible solutions.
C. Decide who owns the problem.
D. Test the solutions.

I would think it would be D since u would have to do the rest of them before you test the solution

I would choose A because the other three are in the brainstorming and planning process, including testing. You wouldn't implement something you haven't tested, would you?

yeah i finally found it after i wrote the question.

Yes, you are correct. The final step in problem solving is to test the solutions. Testing the solutions allows you to verify whether the chosen solution effectively solves the problem.

To arrive at this conclusion, we need to consider the other options as well:

A. "Implement the solution" is an important step, but it may not be the final step. After implementing the solution, it is essential to test whether it actually solves the problem before considering the problem-solving process complete.

B. "Rule out possible solutions" is an important early step in problem solving. It involves evaluating potential solutions and eliminating those that are not viable or effective. However, ruling out possible solutions occurs before the final step of testing the remaining solutions.

C. "Decide who owns the problem" is not directly related to the final step of problem solving. It may be relevant in certain situations, such as determining responsibility for addressing the problem, but it is not an integral part of the problem-solving process itself.

Therefore, the correct answer is D: Test the solutions. It is the final step where you evaluate the selected solution to determine its effectiveness in solving the problem.