what is the simplest radical form of

3 *with 5 under radical*

4 *7 under radical*

2 *13 under radical*



I cant imagine it simpler than itself.

i meant what is that the simplest form of?

To find the simplest radical form of a number, we need to simplify the square roots as much as possible. Here's how we can simplify each of the expressions you mentioned:

1. 3√5: Since there is no perfect square that can be factored out from 5, this expression cannot be simplified further. Therefore, the simplest radical form of 3√5 is just 3√5.

2. 4√7: To simplify this expression, we can look for perfect square factors of 7. However, 7 is a prime number, meaning it cannot be factored any further. Therefore, the simplest radical form of 4√7 is just 4√7.

3. 2√13: Similar to the previous example, 13 is a prime number and cannot be factored any further. Thus, the simplest radical form of 2√13 is 2√13.

In general, if a number cannot be factored into smaller perfect square factors, its simplest radical form is just the number itself multiplied by the square root symbol.