Jasmine was building stairs. After using the Pythagorean Theorem, she found the hypotenuse to be * 15 squared + 12 squared * (all that under the radical). what is the length of the hypotenuse?

sqrt(225+144) = sqrt ( 369)

= 19.2

The lengths of two sides of a right triangle are given. Find the length of the third side. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary. legs: 28 in. and 15 in.

To find the length of the hypotenuse, we'll need to simplify the expression under the radical and then calculate its square root.

Let's start with the expression: 15 squared + 12 squared.

To square a number, we multiply it by itself. So 15 squared is 15 × 15 = 225, and 12 squared is 12 × 12 = 144.

Now, let's substitute these values back into the expression: 225 + 144.

When we add 225 and 144 together, we get 369.

So, the expression under the radical simplifies to √369.

To find the square root of 369, we need to determine what number, when squared, equals 369.

We can estimate that the square root of 369 is between 18 and 19 since 18 squared is 324 (close to 369) and 19 squared is 361 (also close to 369).

By using a calculator or mathematical software, we can find that the square root of 369 is approximately 19.21.

Therefore, the length of the hypotenuse is approximately 19.21 units.