Using the molarity of fromic acid (HCOOH): 0.1033

Calculate the percent by mass of fromic acid in unknown solution.

Assume the density of aqueous fromic acid solution is 1.000 g/mL.

Need help setting up this problem. Thank you.

To calculate the percent by mass of fromic acid in the unknown solution, you need to know the molar mass of fromic acid and the volume of the unknown solution. Here's how you can set up the problem.

1. Find the molar mass of fromic acid (HCOOH):
- From the periodic table, the atomic masses are: H = 1.01 g/mol, C = 12.01 g/mol, O = 16.00 g/mol.
- So, the molar mass of fromic acid (HCOOH) is: (1.01 x 1) + (12.01 x 1) + (16.00 x 2) + 1.01 = 46.03 g/mol.

2. Use the molarity and the volume of the unknown solution to find the number of moles of fromic acid:
- The molarity of fromic acid is given as 0.1033 M.
- Convert the molarity to moles per liter: 0.1033 moles/L.
- If we multiply by 1 L, the liters unit cancels out, giving us the number of moles: 0.1033 moles.

3. Find the mass of the fromic acid in the unknown solution:
- Use the density of the solution, which is given as 1.000 g/mL.
- If we assume the volume of the unknown solution is 100 mL, the mass of the solution would be 100 mL x 1.000 g/mL = 100 g.
- The mass of the fromic acid in the solution is the percent by mass we want to calculate.

4. Calculate the percent by mass of fromic acid:
- Divide the mass of fromic acid (0.1033 g) by the total mass of the solution (100 g) and multiply by 100:
Percent by mass = (0.1033 g / 100 g) x 100

Now that you have set up the problem, you can calculate the percent by mass of fromic acid in the unknown solution by following the steps outlined above.