Is there a better word for 'morally wrong" and "sinful"?

I have been using those two words once already and I don't want to sound repetitive.

Sentence: It is sinful and morally wrong for women to ual desires in Afghanistan.

Yes, there are indeed alternative words that can convey a similar meaning to "morally wrong" and "sinful." Here are a few suggestions:

1. Unethical: It is unethical for women to ual desires in Afghanistan.
2. Immoral: It is immoral for women to ual desires in Afghanistan.
3. Depraved: It is depraved for women to ual desires in Afghanistan.
4. Wrongful: It is wrongful for women to ual desires in Afghanistan.
5. Blameworthy: It is blameworthy for women to ual desires in Afghanistan.
6. Condemnable: It is condemnable for women to ual desires in Afghanistan.

Remember, whenever you want to find alternative words, you can consult a thesaurus, which is a valuable resource for expanding your vocabulary and finding synonyms.