Can you check these sentences, pelase?

He was a normal child till the age of 18.
He managed to take one of the cannnibals' captives prisoner (better: to capture ?)
He decided to go to sea, to make his fortune at sea, to set out on a sea journey???

1. OK

2. He managed to capture one of the cannibals' captives.

3. (all variations are fine)

Sure! I can check those sentences for you.

1. "He was a normal child till the age of 18."

This sentence is grammatically correct, but it might be better to rephrase it as "He was a normal child until he turned 18."

2. "He managed to take one of the cannnibals' captives prisoner (better: to capture ?)"

This sentence is also grammatically correct, but "to capture" would be a better choice of words in this context. So, you can rephrase it as "He managed to capture one of the cannibals' captives."

3. "He decided to go to sea, to make his fortune at sea, to set out on a sea journey???"

This sentence is a bit repetitive, but it is grammatically correct. If you want to simplify it, you can say "He decided to set out on a sea journey to make his fortune."

Overall, the sentences are mostly correct, with some minor rephrasing suggestions to improve clarity and avoid repetition.