what is the value of x in the equation x= 3sqrt root (-245)-1/5 to the nearest hundreds

To find the value of x in the equation x = 3√(-245) - (1/5) to the nearest hundredth, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression inside the cube root.
- Since -245 is negative, we can rewrite it as -1 * 245.
- We can simplify the cube root of -245: ∛(-1 * 245) = -∛(245).

Step 2: Evaluate the cube root.
- The cube root of 245 is approximately 6.162.
- Since we have a negative sign in front, the cube root of -245 is -6.162.

Step 3: Substitute the values into the equation.
x = 3√(-245) - (1/5)
= 3 * (-6.162) - (1/5)
= -18.486 - 0.2
= -18.686

Finally, to the nearest hundredth, the value of x is -18.686.

To find the value of x in the equation x= 3sqrt root (-245)-1/5, we need to evaluate the expression on the right side and round it to the nearest hundred.

First, let's simplify the expression inside the square root:


The square root of a negative number (√-245) is not a real number since the square of any real number cannot be negative. Hence, there is no real solution for this equation.

Therefore, we cannot calculate the value of x in this case.