What should be capitalized?

we will send her to hematology so a full blood screen can be done, and then we will follow up with her next thursday.
We will send her to Hematology so a full blood screen can be done, and then we will follow up with her next Thursday.
Note: rule related to departments that is very unique to medical transcription. When a department name is used in this fashion, it is capitalized.


In this sentence, "Hematology" and "Thursday" should be capitalized.

To determine capitalization in English, you generally follow these rules:

1. Capitalize the first letter of a sentence or any direct quotation. For example: "The sun is shining."

2. Capitalize proper nouns, which are the names of specific people, places, or things. For example: "John Smith," "Paris," "Coca-Cola."

3. Capitalize titles that come before names (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.) or are used to address someone directly. For example: "Dr. Johnson," "Hello, Professor Smith."

4. Capitalize the pronoun "I".

5. Capitalize days of the week, months, and holidays. For example: "Monday," "April," "Christmas."

6. Capitalize the names of specific departments or organizations. This includes unique rules for medical transcription, where department names are often capitalized when mentioned in diagnostics. For example: "Hematology," "Cardiology," "Psychiatry."

It's important to note that these are general rules, and there may be specific exceptions or variations depending on style guides, context, or specific disciplines.