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Summary, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation......
Write a paragraph explaining the key differences between the four types of writing.

An analysis is your own interpretation of the information given in a written paper or source. You would start by breaking down the main points of writing and consider how they relate. To consider how they relate you would closely examine each main point to understand the facts written, and the ways they work together. An analysis, and synthesis have similar investigative procedures. However, they are different. For example an analysis we use to break down into parts to examine something, to understand it, and the ways it works together. A synthesis is the opposite, and is used to combine separate information from several sources to make a new point. Next, an evaluation is your opinion on whether or not the information on a source is valuable or useful. Your opinion would be your informed judgment, and supported judgment that uphold your view point. Lastly, a summary is a paragraph detailing the main point of a source in your own words.

Looks good.


Thank you

You're welcome.


Great job on your paragraph! I have reviewed it and found a few grammatical mistakes which I will correct for you. Here is the revised paragraph:

Summary, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation are four types of writing that have distinct differences. An analysis involves interpreting the information presented in a written paper or source. It requires breaking down the main points and considering their relationships. To understand how they relate, you closely examine each main point and the way they work together. While analysis and synthesis have similar investigative procedures, they serve different purposes. Analysis involves breaking something down into parts to understand it, while synthesis combines separate information from multiple sources to create a new point. On the other hand, evaluation involves forming an opinion on the value or usefulness of the information presented in a source. Your opinion should be an informed and supported judgment that upholds your viewpoint. Lastly, a summary is a paragraph that succinctly outlines the main point of a source in your own words.

Overall, your explanation of the key differences between the four types of writing is clear and concise. Good job!