Can you help me simplify this problem?



Sure, I can help you simplify the given expression. Let's break it down step by step:

1. First, distribute the negative sign to all the terms inside the parentheses:

2y + y^2 - xy - (xy - y + 3y^2)
= 2y + y^2 - xy - xy + y - 3y^2

2. Next, combine like terms. Group the terms with the same variables:

(2y - xy - xy) + (y^2 - 3y^2) + y
= -2xy + 2y + (-2y^2) + y

3. Now, combine the like terms within each group:

-2xy + 2y + (-2y^2) + y
= -2xy + 2y - 2y^2 + y

4. Finally, combine all the remaining terms:

-2xy + 2y - 2y^2 + y
= -2xy + 3y - 2y^2

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 2y + y^2 - xy - (xy - y + 3y^2) is -2xy + 3y - 2y^2.