Determine if the following sentence employ the correct use of commas and apostrophes.TRUE=correct False=incorrect

Inside of the patient's nose is crusty and clear with blood-tinged discharge; however, the patient has no complaints of breathing problems.

I agree.

To determine if the sentence employs the correct use of commas and apostrophes, we can analyze each element separately.

First, let's examine the use of apostrophes. In the sentence, the word "patient's" is correctly written with an apostrophe to indicate possession. The apostrophe is used to show that something belongs to the patient. Therefore, the use of the apostrophe in "patient's" is correct.

Now, let's consider the use of commas. The sentence contains two clauses separated by a semicolon (";"). The first clause states "Inside of the patient's nose is crusty and clear with blood-tinged discharge." This clause is grammatically correct and does not require any additional commas.

The second clause, "however, the patient has no complaints of breathing problems," introduces a contrasting idea and begins with the transitional word "however." In this case, a comma is correctly used before the word "however" to set it apart from the rest of the sentence. This comma is called a coordinating conjunction comma and is used to indicate a contrast or transition between ideas.

Therefore, based on this analysis, the sentence employs the correct use of commas and apostrophes, and the answer is True.