Order of operstions


The order of operations, also known as PEMDAS, is a set of rules in mathematics that tells you the order in which to perform operations in an expression. By following these rules, you can solve complex mathematical expressions and equations correctly.

The acronym PEMDAS stands for:

1. Parentheses: Perform any calculations inside parentheses first. Start by simplifying expressions within innermost parentheses and work your way outward.

2. Exponents: Evaluate any expressions with exponents next. An exponent is a number that shows how many times a base number is multiplied by itself. Perform these calculations from left to right.

3. Multiplication and Division: Perform multiplications and divisions from left to right. These operations should be done before addition and subtraction.

4. Addition and Subtraction: Finally, perform additions and subtractions from left to right.

It is important to note that when there is more than one operation of the same level (e.g., multiple additions or multiplications), they should be performed in the order from left to right.

Here's an example to illustrate the order of operations:

Expression: 8 + 3 * 2 - (6 / 3)

1. Inside the parentheses, divide 6 by 3, which gives 2.

Expression becomes: 8 + 3 * 2 - 2

2. Next, perform multiplication: 3 * 2 equals 6.

Expression becomes: 8 + 6 - 2

3. Finally, perform addition: 8 + 6 equals 14.

Expression becomes: 14 - 2

4. Finish with subtraction: 14 - 2 equals 12.

Therefore, the answer is 12. By following the order of operations, you ensure that each operation is performed correctly and consistently, resulting in the accurate solution to an expression or equation.