1. Our next stop was Buyongdae, a cliff overlooking Hahoe Village.

2. Our next stop was Buyongdae, a cliff which overlooked Hahoe Village.

3.Our next stop was Buyongdae, a cliff which overlooks Hahoe Village.

4. Our next stop was Buyongdae, a cliff which was overlooking Hahoe Village.

5. Our next stop was Buyongdae, a cliff which is overlooking Hahoe Village.

(What does #1 mean, #2, #3, #4, or #5? Would you look at the tense and the verb forms?)

All mean the same thing, but I would stick with #s 1, 3, and 5. The past tenses in 2 and 4 imply that something (the cliff? the village?) isn't there anymore.