Predict what the outcome would be if you surveyed 15 people you know, asking them what their favorite operation of arithmetic was.

Why? What does this assignment have to do with learning math?

You should make your own prediction.

My favorite operation is compound interest.

It would be mostly addition or subtraction...

To predict the outcome of surveying 15 people about their favorite operation of arithmetic, you would need to gather data from those individuals. Here's how you could go about it:

1. Create a survey: Develop a simple survey that asks the question, "What is your favorite operation of arithmetic?" Provide options such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You can also include an "other" option if participants have a different favorite operation.

2. Select participants: Choose a group of 15 people whom you know and consider diverse in terms of age, profession, educational background, and other relevant factors. This will help ensure a more representative and varied response.

3. Administer the survey: Share the survey with the selected participants. You can use methods like email, social media, or even in-person interviews to collect their responses. Make sure to explain the purpose of the survey and assure them that their answers will remain anonymous.

4. Collect and analyze the data: Once you have gathered the responses, compile the data and analyze the results. Count the number of individuals who selected each operation as their favorite and calculate the percentage based on the total number of participants.

5. Draw conclusions: Based on the data obtained, you can make predictions about the favorite operation of arithmetic among the larger population of people you know. For example, if you find that 8 out of 15 respondents prefer subtraction, you can estimate that approximately 53% of the people you know favor subtraction as their favorite operation.

Remember that this prediction is specific to the 15 individuals you surveyed and may not reflect the preferences of a larger population.