I am trying to write an email to a professor in Spain. His title is catedrático and I need the email to be formal but am not sure how to be formal in Spanish.

Would this be the correct way to start:
Estimado Prof (nombre)
I'm not sure whether to use "Prof" or if there is a better title to use. Is there a way to shorten "catedrático"?

Also, how could I say "When would you like me to start work? I need to organise some accommodation so need to know when you would like me to come"?
¿Cuándo usted me gustaría empezar el trabajo? Necesito organizar mi alojamiento así necesito saber cuándo usted quisiera que yo venga.

Would it be ok to finish with "Tengo ganas de venir y trabajar en tu grupo." or is that too informal?

Thank you so much

The formal in Spanish is to use usted exclusively.

Profesor (no abbreviations because that is informal) and no shorter form for "catedrático"

¿Cuándo le gustaría que yo empiezo (comienzo) a trabajar? Puesto que necesito encontrar algún alojamiento (if in a hotel) or alguna acomodación, tendría que saber cuándo llegar.

In the question, usted comes after the verb: ¿Cuándo le gustaría usted empezar el trabajo? (not quite the same thing, for that says "When would you like to begin the work ?)

Nice useage of the subjunctive in "Necesito organizar, etc.

NO, never use tú or tu for formal = Tengo ganas de venir y trbajar in su grupo.


Thank you.

When writing a formal email to a professor in Spain, it is important to use the appropriate titles and language. Here are some suggestions:

1. Greeting:
To start your email, you can use "Estimado/a Profesor/a (apellido)," which translates to "Dear Professor (last name)." It is common to use the formal title "Profesor/a" when addressing an academic professional in an email.

2. Shortening "catedrático":
To shorten the title "catedrático," you can use "Catedrático/a" or "Cated." These are acceptable abbreviations that maintain the formality of the address.

3. Enquiring about start date and accommodation:
To ask about the start date and accommodation, you can say:
"¿Cuándo le gustaría que comenzara a trabajar? Necesito organizar mi alojamiento, por lo cual me gustaría saber cuándo sería conveniente que llegara."

In this sentence, it's important to use the formal "usted" instead of the second-person pronoun "tú" to maintain a formal tone.

4. Expressing enthusiasm:
To express your eagerness to come and work with the professor, you can say:
"Estoy deseando venir y trabajar en su grupo."

This sentence shows enthusiasm in a formal manner. It's important to use the formal possessive pronoun "su" to address the professor respectfully.

Overall, it's essential to maintain a respectful and professional tone in your email. Feel free to make any necessary adjustments based on your specific situation and relationship with the professor.