please help me to write a poem about friendshi, thanks

How long?

What type of meter?
Rhyme scheme?

What are some of your ideas about friendship?

any type of poem, and any thing you like

reem: we are not going to write it for you. The questions MsSue asked were to get you started.

There should be plenty of ideas in these websites. Be sure to check them all out.

Certainly! Writing a poem about friendship can be a great way to express your appreciation for your friend. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you write your own poem about friendship:

1. Start with a brainstorming session: Take a few moments to think about your friend and the qualities that make them special to you. What do you appreciate most about your friend? What experiences have you shared? This will help you gather ideas for your poem.

2. Think of a structure: Decide on the structure of your poem. Common structures include rhyming patterns, stanzas, or free verse. You could also consider writing in the form of an acrostic poem, where each letter of your friend's name starts a new line.

3. Start with an engaging opening: Begin your poem with a captivating line that grabs the reader's attention. This could be a vivid description, a memorable quotation, or a strong emotion.

4. Describe your friend: Use descriptive language to depict your friend's qualities, appearance, or personality. Think of metaphors or similes to make your descriptions more vivid and engaging.

5. Share anecdotes or memories: Include specific experiences or memorable moments you've shared with your friend. This adds depth to your poem and showcases the bond you have.

6. Highlight the qualities of friendship: Explore the traits that make your friendship special. These may include trust, loyalty, support, or understanding.

7. Express gratitude and appreciation: Convey your feelings of gratitude for your friend's presence in your life. Thank them for being supportive, caring, or simply for being a good friend.

8. Reflect on the future: Include a line or two about how you anticipate your friendship growing or continuing into the future. This adds a hopeful and optimistic tone to the poem.

9. Conclude with a heartfelt ending: End your poem with a thoughtful or heartfelt line that sums up the essence of your friendship or leaves the reader with a strong emotional response.

10. Revise and edit: Read through your poem multiple times to ensure that it flows well and effectively communicates your feelings. Make any necessary changes or adjustments.

Remember, this is just a guide, and you can get creative with your structure and wording. Feel free to incorporate personal touches and customize it to reflect your unique friendship. Good luck and have fun writing your poem!