Let me know when you have your 7 sentences.

(http://www.jiskha.com/display.cgi?id=1304794255#1304794255.1304796072 )

To count the number of sentences in a passage, you can follow a simple process:

1. Read the entire passage carefully, paying attention to the punctuation marks.
2. Identify the end marks for sentences, which are typically periods (.), question marks (?), and exclamation marks (!).
3. Count the number of these end marks in the passage.
4. Remember to exclude any other punctuation marks such as commas (,) or semicolons (;) that do not indicate the end of a sentence.
5. If the passage does not have any end marks, look for capital letters at the start of each sentence and count those instead.
6. Once you have identified and counted all the end marks or capital letters, you will have the number of sentences.
7. Finally, provide the number of sentences as the answer to the question.

In the case of the provided link, you would need to open the webpage and carefully read the passage. Then follow the steps above to determine the number of sentences.