Train A is traveling at 100 mph and train B is traveling at 104 mph. Train A passes a station at 12:15 p.m. If train B passes the same station at 12:45 p.m., at what time will train B catch up to train A? HELP please I am drawing a complete balank at figuring the how to solve this.

The distance between the trains decreases at a rate ot 4 mph.

When train B passes the station, at 12:45, train A is 50 miles ahead. (100 mph x 1/2 hour)

The time required for train B to catch up is 50 miles/4 mph = 12.5 hours.

The time will then be 1:15 AM

To solve this question, we need to calculate the time it takes for Train B to catch up with Train A. Let's break it down into steps:

1. Determine the time difference between Train B passing the station (12:45 p.m.) and Train A passing the same station (12:15 p.m.). The time difference is 30 minutes (12:45 p.m. - 12:15 p.m.).
- Note: It's important to convert the time difference into hours to match the units of speed (mph).

2. Calculate the distance traveled by Train A during the time difference. Since its speed is 100 mph, we can use the formula: Distance = Speed × Time. Thus,
Distance_A = Speed_A × Time_difference

3. Now we need to find the relative speed between Train A and Train B. Since both trains are moving in the same direction, we can subtract their speeds to get the relative speed:
Relative_speed = Speed_B - Speed_A

4. Use the formula: Time = Distance / Relative_speed to calculate the time it takes for Train B to catch up to Train A.
Time_catch_up = Distance_A / Relative_speed

5. Finally, add the time of the catch-up to the time Train B passed the station (12:45 p.m.) to get the time when Train B catches up with Train A.
Time_catch_up = 12:45 p.m. + Time_catch_up

By following these steps, you will be able to determine the time when Train B catches up to Train A.