which process occurs in a controlled fusion reaction?

1 light nuclei collide to produce heavier nuclei.
2 heavy nuclei collide to produce lighter nuclei.
3 neutron bombardment splits light nuclei
4 neutron bombardment splits heavy nuclei. is it 1 ?

I am sure that I have answered this one recently.

Fusion is the process where light nuclei, such as hydrogen, fuse to form heavier nuclei. So yes 1.

Yes, you are correct. The process that occurs in a controlled fusion reaction is option 1: light nuclei collide to produce heavier nuclei. In controlled fusion reactions, such as those that occur in stars or in experimental fusion reactors, the nuclei of light elements, such as hydrogen isotopes (deuterium and tritium), combine to form heavier elements, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

Yes, the correct answer is 1. In a controlled fusion reaction, light nuclei collide to produce heavier nuclei. Fusion reactions occur when two light atomic nuclei, such as isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium and tritium), come together to form a heavier nucleus. This process releases a large amount of energy. Controlled fusion reactions are being actively researched as a potential source of clean and abundant energy.