ne U.S. town, the annual consumption, b, of beef (in kg per person) can be estimated by adding 20 to half the years, t, since 1975.

To estimate the annual consumption of beef in a U.S. town, you can use the following formula:

b = 20 + (t - 1975)/2

In this formula, "b" represents the annual consumption of beef in kilograms per person, and "t" represents the number of years since 1975.

To estimate the consumption of beef for a specific year, you need to know the number of years since 1975 and plug it into the formula. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how to calculate the annual consumption of beef for a given year:

1. Determine the number of years since 1975. For example, if you want to estimate the beef consumption in 1990, the number of years since 1975 would be 1990 - 1975 = 15.

2. Plug the number of years since 1975 into the formula:
b = 20 + (t - 1975)/2
b = 20 + (15 - 1975)/2

3. Simplify the equation:
b = 20 + (-1960)/2
b = 20 - 980
b = -960

In this example, the estimated annual consumption of beef in the U.S. town in 1990 would be -960 kg/person. Please note that a negative value indicates a decrease in beef consumption compared to the baseline year.

To estimate the annual consumption of beef (b) in a U.S. town, the formula is as follows: b = 20 + 0.5t, where t represents the number of years since 1975.

1. Determine the number of years since 1975 that you want to estimate the annual beef consumption for.
2. Take half of that number.
3. Add 20 to the result obtained in step 2.

For example, let's estimate the annual beef consumption in 2025:

1. Since 2025 follows 1975 by 50 years, t = 50.
2. Half of 50 is 25.
3. Add 20 to 25. The estimated annual beef consumption in 2025 would be 45 kg per person.