I really need a math dictionary...

I need the following definitions Please:

intersecting lines
parallel lines
vertical lines
horizontal lines
acute angle
obtuse angle
right angle
rectangular prism



To find the definitions of these math terms, you can consult a math dictionary or search for them online. However, I can provide you with brief explanations for each term:

- Point: A point is a precise location in space represented by a dot.

- Line: A line is a straight path that extends infinitely in both directions.

- Intersecting Lines: Intersecting lines are lines that cross each other at a single point.

- Parallel Lines: Parallel lines are lines that never cross each other and always maintain the same distance between them.

- Vertical Lines: Vertical lines are lines that are straight up and down, perpendicular to the horizon or ground.

- Horizontal Lines: Horizontal lines are lines that are straight side to side, parallel to the horizon or ground.

- Acute Angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees.

- Obtuse Angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

- Right Angle: A right angle is an angle that measures exactly 90 degrees.

- Square: A square is a quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles.

- Rectangle: A rectangle is a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are equal in length and four right angles.

- Trapezoid: A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.

- Rhombus: A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four equal sides.

- Pentagon: A pentagon is a polygon with five sides.

- Hexagon: A hexagon is a polygon with six sides.

- Octagon: An octagon is a polygon with eight sides.

- Triangle: A triangle is a polygon with three sides.

- Circle: A circle is a closed curve consisting of all points that are equidistant from a fixed center point.

- Chord: In a circle, a chord is a line segment that connects any two points on the circle.

- Radius: The radius of a circle is the distance from the center of the circle to any point on the circumference.

- Diameter: The diameter of a circle is a straight line passing through the center of the circle and connecting two points on the circumference, and it is equal to twice the radius.

- Cube: A cube is a three-dimensional solid shape with six square faces of equal size.

- Rectangular Prism: A rectangular prism is a three-dimensional solid shape with six rectangular faces.

- Cylinder: A cylinder is a three-dimensional solid shape with two parallel circular bases and a curved surface connecting them.

You can further explore these definitions in a math dictionary or refer to reliable math websites and textbooks for more detailed explanations and illustrations.