Graph inequality.

y is < or equal to -x+2

To graph the inequality y ≤ -x+2, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin by graphing the equality y = -x+2.
- To graph this equation, we need two points on the line. We can find these points by choosing two arbitrary values for x and substituting them into the equation to find the corresponding y values.

Let's choose x = 0:
- Plug x = 0 into the equation: y = -0 + 2
- Calculate y: y = 2

So, our first point is (0, 2).

Let's choose x = 2:
- Plug x = 2 into the equation: y = -2 + 2
- Calculate y: y = 0

So, our second point is (2, 0).

Now, plot these two points on the graph.

Step 2: Draw the line connecting the two points.
- Use a straightedge to draw a line passing through the two points you plotted. This is the graph of the equation y = -x+2.

Step 3: Shade the area below the line to represent the inequality y ≤ -x+2.
- Since the inequality is y ≤ -x+2, we need to shade the area below the line we just drew.
- Use a pencil or a pen to shade the region below the line.

Finally, label the graph and write the inequality symbol (≤) above the line.

The resulting graph should have a solid line that represents the equation y = -x+2, and the area below the line should be shaded.