what does polygon mean


A polygon is a simple closed curve that is constructed by joining line segments where each line segment intersects exactly two others. a polygon has many sides.

A polygon is a geometric shape that is made up of straight line segments, wherein the segments form a closed figure. The term "polygon" comes from the Greek words "poly" (meaning many) and "gonia" (meaning angle). In simple terms, a polygon is any two-dimensional shape with three or more sides.

To understand what a polygon is, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with a basic shape like a line segment or a triangle.
2. Remember that a polygon must be a closed figure, meaning the sides form a continuous loop and do not have any gaps or openings.
3. Count the number of line segments or sides. A polygon should have three or more sides; fewer than three would not qualify as a polygon.
4. Confirm that each side is a straight line segment, without any curves or curves.
5. Check that each angle formed by connecting two consecutive sides is less than 180 degrees.
6. If all the above conditions are met, you have a polygon.

Examples of polygons include triangles, quadrilaterals (such as squares and rectangles), pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons, and so on.