solve the square root of 2a-1 is equal to 5

solve c- the square root of c is equal to 30


2a-1 = 5
Add one to each side:
2a -1+1 = 5+1
2a = 6
a = 6/2 = 3

√c = 30
square both sides
c = 30^2 = 900

for the first question it's the square root of 2a -1 not just 2a -1

and for the second question its c- the square root of c = 30 not just the square root of c = 30

Sorry, here it is, square both side before working on it:

√(2a-1) = 5
square both sides:
2a-1 = 25
Add one to each side:
2a -1+1 = 25+1
2a = 26
a = 26/2 = 13

To solve the equations, we need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. Let's solve each equation step by step.

1. Square root of 2a - 1 = 5:

To isolate the square root term, begin by adding 1 to both sides of the equation:
Square root of 2a - 1 + 1 = 5 + 1

This simplifies to:
Square root of 2a = 6

Next, square both sides of the equation to eliminate the square root:
(Square root of 2a)^2 = 6^2

This reduces to:
2a = 36

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for 'a':
2a/2 = 36/2

The solution is:
a = 18

2. c - square root of c = 30:

Here, we will proceed similarly to isolate the square root term.
Add the square root of c to both sides of the equation:
c - square root of c + square root of c = 30 + square root of c

This simplifies to:
c = 30 + square root of c

Next, square both sides of the equation to eliminate the square root:
c^2 = (30 + square root of c)^2

Expanding the right side gives:
c^2 = 900 + 60 * square root of c + c

Rearrange the equation:
c^2 - c - 900 = 60 * square root of c

To isolate the square root, subtract c and 900 from both sides:
c^2 - c - 900 - c - 900 = 60 * square root of c - c - 900

This simplifies to:
c^2 - 2c - 1800 = 60 * square root of c - c

Now, we will square both sides once more:
(c^2 - 2c - 1800)^2 = (60 * square root of c - c)^2

This results in a quadratic equation. Expanding both sides gives:
c^4 - 4c^3 - 3560c^2 + 7200c + 3240000 = 3600c - 120c * square root of c + c^2

Rearrange this equation:
c^4 - 4c^3 - 3561c^2 - 3579c - 3240000 = -120c * square root of c

To solve this equation, you can either use numerical methods or approximation techniques. The solution may not be an integer or rational number.

Alternatively, you could use a graphing calculator or software to solve for the value of c.

Please note that due to the complexity of this equation, the solution process may involve approximate methods to find a numerical value for c.