in kinglear act 2: who is curan and what position does he hold in society.

2) edgar decide to disguie himself as what?
3) Regan and Goneril tell lear he is what type of a man

i can't find these answers, so can you please help me

If you can't find these answers, then you haven't read the play. If you are having trouble reading and understanding, then you need to use the NoFearShakespeare link I gave you in another post:

These are very obvious if you have read the play.

no thanks i found the answers

To answer these questions, we can refer to the play "King Lear" by William Shakespeare. Here's how you can find the answers:

1) To determine who Curan is and his position in society in Act 2 of King Lear, you can:

- Read the relevant sections of Act 2 in your copy of the play or any online text.
- Look for character descriptions or dialogues involving Curan to get an understanding of who he is.
- Pay attention to any mentions of his status or role in society. This may be indicated through dialogue or interactions with other characters. Note that Curan is a minor character in the play, so there might not be extensive information about him.

2) To find out what Edgar decides to disguise himself as in Act 2 of King Lear:

- Again, read the relevant sections of Act 2 to find clues about Edgar's decision.
- Pay attention to his thought process, any explicit mentions of his disguise, or any hints dropped by other characters.

3) To determine what type of man Regan and Goneril tell Lear he is:

- Refer to the text of Act 2 to find the specific scene or dialogue where Regan and Goneril make such remarks.
- Look for their descriptions or comments about Lear's character or behavior.
- Analyze their statements in context, considering their motivations and relationships with Lear.

By following these steps and examining the relevant parts of Act 2 in "King Lear," you should be able to find the answers to these questions.