which is greater 1.8 or 1.08


Would you rather have

$1.80 or $1.08?


To determine which number is greater, 1.8 or 1.08, you can compare the decimal values. Start by looking at the whole numbers on the left side of the decimal point.

Since 1 is greater than 1, we move on to the next digit on the right side of the decimal point. In the case of 1.8, there is an 8, and in the case of 1.08, there is a 0.

Comparing these two digits, we can see that 8 is greater than 0.

So, based on the comparison of the digits, 1.8 is greater than 1.08.

I'm smart 1.8 is larger than 1.08

Is 1.08= to 1.8