Which word has a vowel team in it's second syllable?

A. Gentle
B. Enjoy
C. Formal


What's a vowel team?

What level of English is this?

To determine which word has a vowel team in its second syllable, we need to break down each word into syllables and then identify the second syllable.

Let's start by breaking down the three words:

A. Gentle = gen-tle (2 syllables)
B. Enjoy = en-joy (2 syllables)
C. Formal = for-mal (2 syllables)

Now, let's identify the second syllable of each word:

A. Gentle = gen-tle
B. Enjoy = en-joy
C. Formal = for-mal

Looking at the breakdown of each word, it is clear that none of them have a vowel team in their second syllable. Therefore, the answer is none of the above.