I am resubmitting - Simplify:

3x^2 y^6 Z^2
------------ (dividided by)
4x^4 y^3 Z^4

my answer ?? 3y^2
4x^2 Z^2

To simplify the given expression:

1. Start by simplifying the coefficients: 3/4 cannot be simplified further, so it remains as is.

2. Next, simplify the variables in the numerator and denominator separately.

- For the variables with exponents, subtract the exponents in the denominator from the exponents in the numerator.

The variables in the numerator are: x^2, y^6, and z^2.
The variables in the denominator are: x^4, y^3, and z^4.

- Simplifying the variables, we have:

x^2 / x^4 = 1 / x^2
y^6 / y^3 = y^(6-3) = y^3
z^2 / z^4 = 1 / z^2

3. Combine the simplified coefficients and variables:

Putting it all together, the simplified expression becomes:

(3/4) * (1 / x^2) * y^3 * (1 / z^2)

Which can be further simplified as:

3y^3 / (4x^2z^2)

So your answer, after simplification, is:

3y^3 / (4x^2z^2)