answer to 5(2x-3) 8=9 in a fraction

To find the answer to the equation 5(2x-3) / 8 = 9 in the form of a fraction, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the left side of the equation.
In the equation, we have 5(2x-3) divided by 8. To simplify, we multiply 5 by each term inside the parentheses (2x and -3):
10x - 15 / 8 = 9

Step 2: Isolate the variable.
To isolate the variable (x) on one side of the equation, we need to get rid of the constant term (-15/8). We can do this by adding 15/8 to both sides:
10x = 9 + 15/8

Step 3: Combine the fractions.
To add the fractions 9 and 15/8, they need a common denominator. Since 9 can be written as 72/8, we now have:
10x = 72/8 + 15/8

Step 4: Add the fractions.
Adding the fractions, we get:
10x = 87/8

Step 5: Solve for x.
To solve for x, we need to get rid of the coefficient of 10. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by 10:
x = (87/8) / 10

Step 6: Simplify the fraction.
To divide by 10, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by its reciprocal, which is 1/10:
x = (87/8) * (1/10)

Multiplying the numerators and denominators, we get:
x = 87/80

Thus, the answer to the equation 5(2x-3) / 8 = 9 in the form of a fraction is x = 87/80.