in mushrooms,the basisia are found on the

In mushrooms, Basidia are found on the reproductive structures called the gills.

To understand this, let's first talk about the structure of mushrooms. Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of fungi and serve as the main reproductive structures. They typically have a cap, a stalk (also known as a stem), and gills underneath the cap.

The gills of a mushroom are thin, blade-like structures that radiate from the central stalk and are found on the underside of the cap. It is on these gills that the Basidia are located.

Basidia (singular: basidium) are reproductive structures that produce spores. They are club-shaped cells that are responsible for the production and dispersal of spores during the mushroom's reproductive cycle. Each Basidium usually produces four spores.

To observe the Basidia, you can carefully flip over the cap of the mushroom and examine the underside. You will see a pattern of parallel lines, which are the gills. These gills contain numerous Basidia, which are responsible for the formation and dispersal of spores.

It is worth mentioning that not all mushrooms have gills. Some mushrooms have pores, teeth, or even sponge-like structures on their undersides where the Basidia are located. The specific arrangement of these reproductive structures can vary depending on the species of mushroom.