how long does it take from acre to tabriz by ship?? like marco polo??

To find out how long it takes to travel from Acre to Tabriz by ship, like Marco Polo, we can break it down into a few steps:

1. Determine the distance between Acre and Tabriz:
We need to know the approximate distance in nautical miles or kilometers between these two locations.

2. Identify the average speed of the ship during Marco Polo's time:
It's important to consider the technology and speed of ships available during Marco Polo's era. This will help us estimate the travel time based on historical context.

3. Calculate the travel time based on the distance and average speed:
By dividing the distance between Acre and Tabriz by the average speed of Marco Polo's ship, we can estimate the travel time. Keep in mind that this estimate will be based on historical context and may not match modern travel times.

4. Consider additional factors:
Apart from distance and speed, other variables such as weather conditions, navigation routes, and stops along the way might affect the overall travel time. These additional factors could extend the duration of the journey.

Unfortunately, without specific information about the distance, average ship speed during Marco Polo's time, and additional factors, it is challenging to provide an accurate estimate of the travel time from Acre to Tabriz.