i really need help with my homework so i can graduate in time. i have only 3 questions that i need help with because math is my weakest subject. so can someone please help me.

1. the formula for converting centigrade temperature to Fahrenheit is F = 9/5 C + 32. what is the difference in Fahrenheit degrees between a temperature of 0 C and a temperature of 15 C?
a.9 F
b.27 F
c.41 F
d.59 F
my answer:B 27 F

2. Of the 30,000 cars assembled annually in the automobile plant, 96.6% pass a routine assembly examination and 98.3% of those pass the final quality control inspection. how many are rejected?
a.1,323 cars
b.1,475 cars
c.1,513 cars
d.1,622 cars
my answer:D 1,622

3, about a third of the blueberry crop was ruined by a sudden frost. a sixth of the undamaged blueberries spoiled on the way to market. how much of the original blueberry crop made it to market unspoiled and undamaged?
my answer:C 5/9

A. Your answer is correct

B. Wrong answer 30,000*0.966*0.983 pass the inspections. How many are left?

C. Correct.
(2/3)*(5/6) = 10/18 = 5/9


Converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit:
multiply the Celsius by 9/5 and add 32°.
= 15*9/5 + 32
= 27 + 32
= 59°F

For your first question, you need to use the formula F = (9/5)C + 32 to find the difference in Fahrenheit degrees between a temperature of 0°C and a temperature of 15°C.

To solve this, substitute the given temperatures into the formula.
For 0°C: F = (9/5)(0) + 32 = 32°F
For 15°C: F = (9/5)(15) + 32 = 59°F

To find the difference in Fahrenheit degrees, subtract the lower temperature from the higher temperature: 59°F - 32°F = 27°F.

So the correct answer is b. 27°F.

For your second question, you need to find the number of cars that are rejected based on the given percentages.

First, find the number of cars that pass the routine assembly examination: 96.6% of 30,000 = 0.966 * 30,000 = 28,980 cars.

Next, find the number of cars that pass the final quality control inspection: 98.3% of 28,980 = 0.983 * 28,980 = 28,503.54 cars. Round this number to the nearest whole number, which is 28,504 cars.

To find the number of rejected cars, subtract the number of cars that passed the final quality control inspection from the total number of cars assembled: 30,000 - 28,504 = 1,496 cars.

So the correct answer is b. 1,496 cars.

For your third question, you need to find the amount of the original blueberry crop that made it to market unspoiled and undamaged.

First, find the portion of the blueberry crop that was ruined by the frost: 1/3 of the original crop.

Next, find the portion of the undamaged blueberries that spoiled on the way to market: 1/6 of the undamaged blueberries.

To find the amount of the original blueberry crop that made it to market unspoiled and undamaged, subtract the sum of these two portions from the whole: 1 - (1/3 + 1/6) = 5/9.

So the correct answer is c. 5/9.