A 60 year old person has a threshold of hearing of 81.0 dB for a sound with frequency f=10,000 Hz. By what factor must the intensity of a sound wave of that frequency, audible to a typical young adult, (sound level=43.0 dB) be increased so that it is heard by the older person.

Thanks for any and all help!

Hmmm. 81 - 43 is 38 db.

intentity = antilog (db level/10)
= antilog 3.8= 10^3.8

that is almost 7000 times.

Thank You so much Bob Pursley!!

To solve this question, we need to understand the relationship between sound intensity and sound level in decibels (dB).

The equation relating sound intensity (I) and sound level (L) is:

L = 10 * log10(I / I0)

Where I0 is the reference sound intensity (typically set at 10^-12 W/m^2).

First, we need to find the sound intensity (I1) for the sound wave audible to a typical young adult with a sound level of 43.0 dB:

43.0 = 10 * log10(I1 / 10^-12)

Dividing both sides of the equation by 10:

43.0 / 10 = log10(I1 / 10^-12)

Using the logarithmic property log10(a/b) = log10(a) - log10(b):

4.30 = log10(I1) - log10(10^-12)

We know that log10(10^-12) is equal to -12, therefore:

4.30 = log10(I1) + 12

Now, let's calculate I1:

I1 = 10^(4.30 - 12)
I1 = 10^(-7.70)

Now, we need to find the sound intensity (I2) that the older person can hear with a threshold of hearing at 81.0 dB for a sound wave with a frequency of 10,000 Hz:

81.0 = 10 * log10(I2 / 10^-12)

Divide both sides of the equation by 10:

81.0 / 10 = log10(I2 / 10^-12)

Using the logarithmic property:

8.10 = log10(I2) - log10(10^-12)

We know that log10(10^-12) is equal to -12, therefore:

8.10 = log10(I2) + 12

Now, let's calculate I2:

I2 = 10^(8.10 - 12)
I2 = 10^(-3.90)

Finally, we can find the factor by which the sound intensity needs to be increased to be heard by the older person:

Factor = I2 / I1
Factor = (10^(-3.90)) / (10^(-7.70))

Using the division property of exponents (a^m / a^n = a^(m-n)):

Factor = 10^(-3.90 - (-7.70))
Factor = 10^(3.80)

Rounding to two decimal places:

Factor ≈ 630.96

Therefore, the intensity of the sound wave needs to be increased by a factor of approximately 630.96 for it to be heard by the older person.