I need help analyzing this poem please

Seasonal Anxiety

Spring never felt like a beginning—
Something, perhaps, to do with school
And all the school-year's slow unspinning
From wound-up time as from a spool
Aimed at Summer's golden rule.

Beginnings are for autumn days
Keen as newly-sharpened pencils:
The promise of new friends, straight A's,
When hopes are drawn as clear as stencils
With yet no errors to erase.

Spring comes too late. The incompletes
Can't be made up. What wasn't learned
Looks at its neighbor's page and cheats,
But failure too is something earned.
Library books must be returned

And fines paid for the overdue
Procrastinations that accrue.
Finals impend—the term's too brief
For turning over a fresh leaf.
Too late, the daffodils come through.

A. E. Stallings

The poem itself is comparing the 'newness' of spring with how it is actually experienced for those in schools. In schools spring is the end of the school year and the culmination of a whole years work. It isn't fresh and clean.

You could analyise this by looking at how the poet uses literary techniques in the poem. Or you could analyise the 'truth' of the statement.