sketch label and mark each figure

1.Isoscles obtuse triangle TRI with vertex angle T.
2.Rhombus RHOM with acute <H and the shorter diagonal.
3.Scalene right triangle SCA with midpoints L,M and N on SC, CA, and SA, respecitively.
4.Trapeoziod TRAP with TR|| A[, RE PA and P,E and A collinear
5.KIte KITE with EK=KI and obtuse <K

1. Isosceles obtuse triangle TRI with vertex angle T:

- Sketch a triangle shape.
- Label the vertices T, R, and I.
- Mark the vertex angle T by drawing a small arc on the interior of angle T.

2. Rhombus RHOM with acute ∠H and the shorter diagonal:

- Sketch a diamond shape.
- Label the vertices R, H, O, and M starting from the top and going clockwise.
- Mark the acute angle ∠H by drawing a small arc on the interior of angle H.
- Label the shorter diagonal by drawing a line segment connecting vertex O to vertex M.

3. Scalene right triangle SCA with midpoints L, M, and N on SC, CA, and SA, respectively:

- Sketch a right triangle shape.
- Label the vertices S, C, and A in clockwise order.
- Mark the right angle ∠C by drawing a small square at vertex C.
- Label the midpoints L, M, and N on the sides SC, CA, and SA, respectively, by drawing small dots on these sides.

4. Trapezoid TRAP with TR || A, RE || PA, and P, E, and A collinear:

- Sketch a trapezoid shape.
- Label the vertices T, R, A, and P in clockwise order.
- Draw two parallel lines, TR and AP.
- Mark the points P, E, and A collinear by drawing small dots on the line segment PA.

5. Kite KITE with EK = KI and obtuse ∠K:

- Sketch a kite shape.
- Label the vertices K, I, T, and E in clockwise order.
- Mark the obtuse angle ∠K by drawing a small arc on the interior of angle K.
- Label the segment EK = KI by drawing two congruent line segments connecting vertices E and K, as well as I and K.

To sketch, label, and mark each figure, follow these steps:

1. Isosceles obtuse triangle TRI with vertex angle T:
- Start by drawing a triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees (obtuse angle).
- Label the vertices of the triangle as T, R, and I.
- Mark the vertex angle with a small arc near T.

2. Rhombus RHOM with acute angle H and the shorter diagonal:
- Begin by drawing a rhombus, which is a quadrilateral with all sides equal in length.
- Label the vertices as R, H, O, and M.
- Identify the acute angle H and mark it inside the rhombus.

3. Scalene right triangle SCA with midpoints L, M, and N on SC, CA, and SA, respectively:
- Draw a right triangle (one angle is 90 degrees) with unequal side lengths.
- Label the vertices as S, C, and A.
- Locate the midpoints of each side: L on SC, M on CA, and N on SA.
- Mark small dots or line segments to indicate the midpoints.

4. Trapezoid TRAP with TR parallel to A, RE, PA, and P, E, and A collinear:
- Sketch a trapezoid, a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.
- Label the vertices T, R, A, and P.
- Indicate that side TR is parallel to side A by drawing small arrows or hatch marks.
- Mark collinear points E, P, and A by placing dots or dashes along the same line.

5. Kite KITE with EK = KI and obtuse angle K:
- Draw a kite, a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides equal in length.
- Label the vertices as K, I, T, and E.
- Ensure that EK and KI have the same length.
- Identify the obtuse angle K and mark it with a small arc near K.

Remember, these instructions provide a general guideline for sketching, labeling, and marking each figure. Adjust the size and proportions of the figures based on the given information and your preferences.