Correct following Sentences:

1. Seeing the barrels, the driver immediately slammed on his brakes.

2. A really well-stocked bookshelf should have classical literature on it as well as important modern works of the current day.

3. China’s enormously huge work population has an effect on the global world of high-tech manufacturing of things.

4. A typical autocross course consists of at least two straightaways, and the rest of the course is made up of numerous slaloms and several sharp turns.

5. At breakfast time, Mehrdad always started his day with cantaloupe, lemon yogurt, and black coffee.

Ooops! You forgot to tell us what YOU THINK. Then someone here will respond.

1. Seeing the barrels the driver slammed on his brakes.

2. A well-stocked bookshelf should have classical literature and important modern works on it.
3. China’s huge population has an effect on the global high-tech manufacturing.
4. A typical autocross course consists of at least two straightaways, numerous slaloms and several sharp turns.
5. Mehrdad always starts his breakfast with cantaloupe, lemon yogurt and black coffee.

1. comma needed

2. good

3. remove "the" -- otherwise it's good.

4. comma needed

5. comma needed

gff h v gd n

1. The sentence is already correct.

2. A really well-stocked bookshelf should have classical literature on it, as well as important modern works of the current day.

To check if the sentence is correct, you can break it down and analyze each part:
- "A really well-stocked bookshelf" - This is the subject of the sentence and it is correctly structured.
- "should have" - This is the verb phrase and it is correctly structured.
- "classical literature on it" - This is a prepositional phrase that describes what should be on the bookshelf. It is correctly structured.
- "as well as important modern works of the current day" - This is another prepositional phrase that provides additional information about what should be on the bookshelf. It is correctly structured.

3. China's enormous work population has an effect on the global world of high-tech manufacturing.

To correct the sentence, we need to remove the redundant word "enormously huge":
- China's enormous work population has an effect on the global world of high-tech manufacturing.

4. A typical autocross course consists of at least two straightaways and the rest of the course is made up of numerous slaloms and several sharp turns.

To correct the sentence, we need to remove the unnecessary comma:
- A typical autocross course consists of at least two straightaways and the rest of the course is made up of numerous slaloms and several sharp turns.

5. The sentence is already correct.