write a fictitious medical report of about two paragraphs describing a dermatologic condition or disease. Focus the report on the onset, progression, location, and etiology of the condition or disease, and the treatment parameters.

All terms must be defined in this report.

1. Diaphoresis
2. Macule
3. Ulcer
4. Epidermis
5. Ecchymosis
6. Wheal
7. Keratosis
8. Abscess
9. Pediculosis
10. Biopsy
11. Papular
12. Cryosurgery
13. Pruritus
14. Dermabrasion
15. Petechia
16. Erythema
17. Decubitus ulcer
18. Incision
19. Antifungal
20. Antihistamines
21. Keratolytics
22. Parasiticides

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Patient Name: John Doe

Date of Report: March 15, 20xx

Chief Complaint:
John Doe, a 55-year-old male, presents with multiple skin abnormalities and complaints of intense itching all over his body. He noticed these symptoms around two months ago and has since experienced their gradual progression and worsening.

History of Present Illness:
The patient reports the sudden onset of small, flat, red lesions on his skin, also known as macules. These macules first appeared on his arms and have now spread to his legs, trunk, and face. Some of these lesions have developed into ulcers - open sores with loss of epidermal tissue. Due to the patient's excessive sweating, a condition known as diaphoresis, the macules have become painful and tender. Additionally, ecchymosis - areas of skin discoloration due to bleeding within the skin - has been observed around some of the ulcers. Along with macules and ulcers, the patient has developed wheals, which are localized areas of raised, red, and itchy swellings.

Past Medical History:
The patient's medical history is significant for keratosis, a skin condition characterized by the thickening of the outermost layer of the epidermis. He also has a history of recurrent abscesses - localized collections of pus caused by bacterial infection. These abscesses have mostly occurred in areas of friction or perspiration, such as the groin and axillae. The patient denies any previous diagnosis of pediculosis, a condition caused by infestation with lice.

Physical Examination Findings:
During examination, multiple papular lesions were noted on different areas of the patient's body. He describes these as small, solid elevations on the skin, typically measuring a few millimeters in diameter. Additionally, the patient presents with pruritus, an intense itch causing scratching of the skin. Signs of erythema - redness of the skin - were observed around the lesions, along with petechiae - tiny, pinpoint-sized hemorrhages within the skin.

Assessment and Plan:
Based on the clinical presentation and examination findings, a provisional diagnosis of dermatitis-related to an allergic reaction or insect bite was made. Given the severity and extent of the patient's symptoms, a biopsy will be performed to rule out other differential diagnoses such as fungal infection or parasitic infestation. Treatment will involve a combination of antihistamines to alleviate itching, antifungal medications (if necessary), and keratolytic agents to manage the underlying keratosis. Topical parasiticides may also be employed if evidence of infestation is found. Cryosurgery and dermabrasion may be considered for the removal of more extensive keratosis lesions. Moreover, diligent wound care and infection prevention measures will be emphasized to avoid the formation of decubitus ulcers. The patient will be closely monitored for signs of improvement, and follow-up visits will be scheduled to reassess the disease's progression and response to treatment.

Please note that this is a fictitious report and should not be used for medical purposes. The information provided is for illustrative purposes only.