from the details in " A noiseless patient spider," you can infer that whitman admires the spider for its ability to

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What makes a poem so special is that the poet must say so much with so few words. Concentrate on the words that will give you a mental image of that spider: patient, tirelessly... What do you "see" as images in this poem? That will answer the question for you.


To infer that Whitman admires the spider for its ability to do something, we need to analyze the details and context of the poem "A Noiseless Patient Spider" by Walt Whitman. Here's an explanation of how to derive an inference based on the poem:

1. Read and analyze the poem: Begin by reading the poem carefully and understanding its overall tone and imagery. "A Noiseless Patient Spider" is a metaphorical poem that compares the spider's activities to the human soul's yearning for connection.

2. Identify relevant details: Look for specific details that describe the spider and its actions. In this poem, Whitman describes the spider as "noiseless" and "patient" and highlights its ability to launch filamentous threads or "filaments" that explore and seek connections.

3. Connect the details to admiration: Consider the spider's actions in relation to human qualities. Think about what it means to be "noiseless" and "patient." These characteristics can be seen as admirable qualities, particularly in the context of the poem, where Whitman uses the spider as a metaphor for the human soul and its unwavering pursuit of connection and meaning.

4. Make the inference: Based on the analysis above, we can infer that Whitman admires the spider for its ability to persistently and patiently seek connections through its delicate and intricate web-spinning. This admiration extends to the metaphorical representation of the human soul, which exemplifies qualities such as determination, resilience, and the continuous search for purpose.

Remember, when making inferences, it's essential to support your conclusion with evidence from the text. In this case, the details provided in the poem allow us to infer Whitman's admiration for the spider's ability to seek connection and apply it to his admiration for the human soul.