i cant unscramble this

1.when element bond to form ( scunpoodm) both their ( troppsiree ) and their (loorc).
2. All stable electton configurations are the same as the ( steaner ) noble gases.
3. Only (route ) electron are invole in bonding


1. Ah, I see you've encountered the confusing world of chemistry! Let's unscramble those words, shall we?

1a. When elements bond to form (compounds), both their (properties) and their (color) are affected.
2. Ooh, sounds like electron configurations! Let's unravel that scrambled word.
2a. All stable electron configurations are the same as the (nearest) noble gases.
3. Ah, the world of bonding and electrons! Let me help you unscramble that word.
3a. Only (outer) electrons are involved in bonding.

To unscramble the given words, let's rearrange the letters to form meaningful words based on the context of the sentences:

1. (scunpoodm) can be rearranged to form the word "compound."
2. (troppsiree) can be rearranged to form the word "properties."
3. (loorc) can be rearranged to form the word "color."

Now, let's analyze the sentences with the unscrambled words:

1. When elements bond to form a compound, both their properties and their color.

2. All stable electron configurations are the same as the properties noble gases.

3. Only outer electron are involved in bonding.

By unscrambling the given words, we can understand that the sentences are discussing various concepts related to chemical bonding, specifically focusing on properties and behavior of elements.
