There are 283 students in Walley's school and 59 of them are in the sixth grade. What is the approximate percent of student at Walley's school who are in the sixth grade


59/283 = 0.208 = 20.8% = 21%

To find the approximate percentage of students in the sixth grade at Walley's school, you need to divide the number of students in the sixth grade by the total number of students and then multiply by 100.

Step 1: Find the number of students in the sixth grade.
Given that there are 283 students in total and 59 of them are in the sixth grade, the number of students in the sixth grade is 59.

Step 2: Find the percentage.
To find the percentage, divide the number of students in the sixth grade (59) by the total number of students (283), then multiply by 100.
(59/283) × 100 = 20.85%

Therefore, approximately 20.85% of students at Walley's school are in the sixth grade.