If you were Prime Minister Stephen Harper, what position would you take on the issue of nuclear power generation in Canada?

I would just stop, and end the nuclear generations. It's better than dealing with risks, and entering the zone of danger.

I need help. I don't really get this.

If the Prime Minister ends the nuclear power generation, what will replace this power to provide electricity to all of the homes and businesses in Canada?

Hydroelectric power provides a lot of Canada's power, but it also has its risks to the environment and economy.

(Broken Link Removed)

Is that the only way? Cant they use like natural resources?

I don't even understand. What is nuclear power generation?

nuclear power generation is like the plants in Japan that are causing so much trouble. If it was me, i would suggest to keep the exisiting plants we have now, and upgrade their saftey levels and back up power sources. And, in the future, if we as a country, build more, they must have much higher standards both in saftey and back up power sources.

Thanks so much Katie:)

You should have found out what nuclear power generation is BEFORE you started this series of questions.

Study these sites carefully.




Okay Ms. Sue. Will take a look at them.

I need help with my Social posts please.

Before I look at your Social posts, please carefully study those websites. If you add to those posts, I'll respond.

Could you please help me now.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or the ability to be Prime Minister Stephen Harper. However, I can explain how one might approach taking a position on the issue of nuclear power generation in Canada.

Forming an informed position on such a complex topic requires considering various factors, including safety, environmental impact, energy needs, and economic considerations. Here are some steps you can take to help you understand and develop your own position on nuclear power generation:

1. Educate yourself: Begin by researching and understanding the basics of nuclear power generation. Explore how it works, its benefits, potential risks, and current safety protocols in place. Look for reliable sources such as government publications, scientific studies, and expert opinions.

2. Assess safety concerns: Look into the safety track record of nuclear power plants in Canada and globally. Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of safety measures in place, including measures to prevent accidents, containment systems, and waste management processes.

3. Consider environmental impact: Examine the environmental consequences of nuclear power generation, including the production and disposal of nuclear waste, potential nuclear accidents, and the impact of uranium mining. Compare it to other forms of energy generation like fossil fuels, renewables (e.g. wind, solar), and hydroelectric power.

4. Evaluate energy needs: Analyze Canada's current and projected energy demands. Consider the role of nuclear power in meeting these demands, its capacity to provide a consistent base-load power, and the potential for other energy sources to replace it.

5. Examine economic factors: Assess the economic costs and benefits of nuclear power generation, including the initial investment, operational costs, job creation, and its impact on electricity prices. Compare these factors with other energy sources to determine its long-term viability.

6. Seek diverse perspectives: Read articles, listen to experts, and engage in discussions with people who hold different opinions on nuclear power generation. Consider their arguments and evidence, and critically evaluate their credibility and relevance.

7. Weigh the pros and cons: Compile the information you gathered and create a list of the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power generation. This will help you understand the balance between the benefits of clean energy and the potential risks associated with nuclear power.

8. Develop your position: Based on your research and analysis, formulate your own position on nuclear power generation in Canada. Consider the safety measures, environmental impact, energy needs, and economic factors while considering potential trade-offs. Articulate your position by taking into account what you believe will be the best approach for the country's energy future.

Remember, forming a nuanced position on a complex issue like nuclear power generation requires careful consideration of multiple factors. Keep an open mind, continue to gather information, and evolve your position as new evidence and technologies emerge.