Please help with solving this




To help you solve the expression 5r(6rs - 12st)t, we can use the distributive property of multiplication.

Step 1: Apply the distributive property.

Start by multiplying 5r with each term inside the parentheses, (6rs - 12st), and then multiply the result by t.

(5r * 6rs) * t + (5r * -12st) * t

Step 2: Simplify each term.

To simplify each term, we multiply the coefficients (the numbers in front of the variable).

(30r^2s) * t + (-60r^2st) * t

Step 3: Combine like terms.

To combine like terms, we add or subtract the terms that have the same variables raised to the same powers.

30r^2st + (-60r^2st) * t

Step 4: Simplify the expression further.

Multiply -60r^2st by t:

30r^2st - 60r^2st^2

And there you have it! The simplified form of the expression 5r(6rs - 12st)t is 30r^2st - 60r^2st^2.